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Welcome to Australia (Scared Weird Little Guys)

    Redback, Funnel-Web, Blue-ringed octopus
    Taipan, Tigersnake and a Box jellyfish
    Stonefish and the poison thing that lives in a shell
    That spikes you when you pick it up

    Come to Australia
    You might accidentally get killed

    Your life’s constantly under threat
    Have you been bitten yet?
    You’ve only got three minutes left
    Before a massive coronary breakdown

    Redback, Funnel-Web, Blue-ringed octopus
    Taipan, Tigersnake and a Box jellyfish
    Big shark just waiting for you to go swimming
    At Bondi Beach

    Come to Australia
    You might accidentally get killed
    Your blood is bound to be spilled
    With fear your pants will be filled
    Because you might accidentally get killed

    1 Gedanke zu „Welcome to Australia (Scared Weird Little Guys)“

    1. ich liebe diesen song….
      er erinnert mich an australien wir haben ihn von melbourne nach alice immer gehoert und die band ist super. wer weiss wie ihr telefonbuchsong mit titel heisst?#


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